Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

General Psychology – Old Question Paper 2014 | Semester – Fall

questionGeneral Psychology
Old Question Paper
Year: 2014 | Semester: Fall
Pokhara University
Management Notes

Exam 2014 Fall

1. a. Explain how psychology has evolved from philosophical stage to current stage. [8]
b. Describe briefly the observation method as an important instrument to study psychology. [7]

2. a. Describe the major function of Central Nervous system (CNS). [8]
b. Compare and contrast Pavlovian conditioning with instrumental conditioning. [7]

3. a. Define forgetting and describe briefly the causes of forgetting. [7]
b. Explain the relationships among need, drive, and goal in motivational cycle. [8]

4. a. Define perception and example the role of perceptual organization in perception process.[7]
b. Discuss attention and division of attention. [8]

5. a. What is problem solving thinking? Describe the major steps of problem solving thinking [8]
b. Clarify the theory of concept. How do concepts form? [7]

6. a. Define intelligence. Explain importance of Benet Simon Test in the field of measurement of intelligence. [7]
b. Describe briefly the factors that influence personality development. [8]
“Sensation is regarded as the primary mental Process”. Explain.

7. Write Short notes on any two. [2×5=10]
a. Perceptual error
b. Transfer of learning
c. Voluntary and involuntary attention.


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