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Business Communication MCQ Part 2 – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) | Communication

Business Communication MCQ Part 2

1. The most important goal of business communication is ________

a. Organizational goodwill
b. receiver response
c. Receiver understanding
d. Favorable relationship between sender and receiver

Answer: Receiver understanding

2. Learning to communicate with others is key _______

a. eliminating all of your listeners’ physiological noise
b. never being misunderstood
c. establishing rewarding relationships
d. winning the approval of everyone around you

Answer: establishing rewarding relationships

3. A message can only be deemed effective when it is_________

a. communicated face-to-face
b. repeated back as proof of understanding
c. delivered with confidence
d. understood by others and produces the intended results

Answer: understood by others and produces the intended results

4. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

a. filtering
b. language
c. channel richness
d. defensiveness

Answer: channel richness

5. Horizontal communication takes place between_________

a. subordinate to superior
b. employees with same status
c. superior to subordinate
d. none of these

Answer: employees with same status

6. __________is the permanent records for business.

a. Ledgers
b. Business letters
c. Production reports
d. All of the above

Answer: Business letters

7. Body of a letter is divided into _______ parts.

a. 3
b. 5
c. 2
d. 4

Answer: 3

8. Downward communication flows from ___________ to __________

a. Upper to lower
b. lower to upper
c. Diagonal
d. Horizontal

Answer: Upper to lower

9. The _______ body of the presentation should be broken into short and clear units.

a. Middle
b. upper
c. Main
d. lower

Answer: Main

10. _______ best describes the grapevine as a communication pattern.

a. Serial
b. Informal
c. Verbal
d. Diagonal

Answer: Informal

11. When a group agrees to support and commit to the decision of the group, they have reached ________

a. a census
b. a consensus
c. a solution
d. an analysis

Answer: a consensus

12. The study of communication through touch is_______

a. haptics
b. proxemics
c. semantics
d. Chronemics

Answer: haptics

13. The formal greeting with which a business letter begins is called__________

a. salutation
b. body copy
c. subject
d. reference

Answer: salutation

14. As per Newman and Summer Communication is the Exchange of_________

a. Facts
b. emotions
c. opinion
d. all the above

Answer: all the above

15. The handshake that conveys confidence___________

a. double
b. Limp
c. loose
d. Firm

Answer: Firm

16. Appeals and representations are used in _______ communication.

a. grapevine
b. horizontal
c. upward
d. downward

Answer: upward

17. Set off the list of Do and Don’ts by using __________

a. Body
b. Formal
c. Bullets
d. letter heads

Answer: Bullets

18. The envelope indicated that there was, _________ but in fact there was only a letter inside

a. a sender
b. an enclosure
c. a salutation
d. an indent

Answer: an enclosure

19. Good business letters are characterized by the_______ personal quality of the writer.

a. Humour
b. seriousness
c. sincerity
d. formality

Answer: sincerity

20. Effective professional correspondence uses an appropriate style, clear and concise language, and _________

a. the active voice.
b. the passive voice
c. open punctuation
d. mixed punctuation

Answer: the active voice.

21. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are________

a. interesting
b. brief
c. informal
d. formal

Answer: informal

22. In block text format, you do not _____ each paragraph

a. margin
b. indent
c. transition
d. punctuation

Answer: indent

23. Goals help us to __________

a. work
b. motivate
c. success
d. Communicate

Answer: Communicate

24. Simplicity in writing means essentially:

a. the use of simple word
b. Plainness
c. the use of simple tense
d.the use of simple sentences

Answer: Plainness

25. An effective oral presentation process follows _________ steps.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 1
d. 6

Answer: 3

26. Our address and phone number are shown on our _______

a. snailmail
b. postage
c. letterhead
d. salutation

Answer: letterhead

27. Which of the following is a correct dateline for a business letter?

a. Aug 20 1998
b. August 20, 1998
c. August, 20, 1998
d. 20-Aug-98

Answer: August 20, 1998

28. Form letters are also known as:

a. formal letters
b. bad news letters
c. circular letters
d. persuasive sales letters.

Answer: persuasive sales letters.

29. The _________ of business letter is called layout.

a. pattern
b. Body
c. content
d. all the above

Answer: pattern

30. Communication is the task of imparting __________

a. message
b. knowledge
c. information
d. training

Answer: information

Business Communication MCQ Part 1 – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) | Communication


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