Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

What is the primary concern of founders who trade equity for capital for their growing venture?

What is the primary concern of founders who trade equity for capital for their growing venture

What is the primary concern of founders who trade equity for capital for their growing venture?


A. Capitalization
B. Control
C. Valuation
D. Investor capabilities

The Correct Answer Is:

  • A. Capitalization

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Which type of policy is considered to be overfunded, as stated by IRS guidelines?

Which type of policy is considered to be overfunded, as stated by IRS guidelines

Which type of policy is considered to be overfunded, as stated by IRS guidelines?


Modified Whole Life
Modified Endowment Contract
Variable Universal Life
Interest-Sensitive Whole Life

The Correct Answer Is:

  • Modified Endowment Contract

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Life insurance that covers an insured’s whole life with level premiums paid over a limited time is called:

Life insurance that covers an insured's whole life with level premiums paid over a limited time is called

Life insurance that covers an insured’s whole life with level premiums paid over a limited time is called:


Adjustable Life
Renewable Term
Limited Pay Life
Joint Life

The Correct Answer Is:

  • Limited Pay Life

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When a life insurance policy exceeds certain IRS table values, the result would create which of the following?

When a life insurance policy exceeds certain IRS table values, the result would create which of the following

When a life insurance policy exceeds certain IRS table values, the result would create which of the following?


1035 Exchange
An Investment
Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)

The Correct Answer Is:

  • Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)

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The mental act condition or habit of placing trust or confidence in another shows which of the following options?

The mental act condition or habit of placing trust or confidence in another shows which of the following options

The mental act condition or habit of placing trust or confidence in another shows which of the following options?


A. Motive
B. Belief
C. Behavior
D. Attitude

The Correct Answer Is:

  • D. Attitude

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The challenge of media planning is becoming greater because the number of ways to send brand messages is _________.

The challenge of media planning is becoming greater because the number of ways to send brand messages is _________.

The challenge of media planning is becoming greater because the number of ways to send brand messages is _________.


A. decreasing
B. complicated
C. increasing
D. competitive

The Correct Answer Is:

  • C. increasing

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The _________ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality performance or innovative features.

The _________ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality performance or innovative features.

The _________ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality performance or innovative features.


A. product
B. marketing
C. production
D. selling

The Correct Answer Is:

  • A. product

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Right branding increases _________ of the product, which should be more than that of the generic product.

Right branding increases _________ of the product, which should be more than that of the generic product.

Right branding increases _________ of the product, which should be more than that of the generic product.


A. Consumer revolt
B. Market share
C. Profit
D. Value

The Correct Answer Is:

  • D. Value

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