Management Notes

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Difference between Void and Voidable Contract – 7 Major Differences | Business Law

Difference between Void and Voidable Contract

Void means something that is null and completely without legal force or binding effect. A void Contract is a contract that is null and without legal effect. This means that the contract is unenforceable by law and such a contract cannot be enforced by any of the parties to the contract.

Void Contract and Void Agreement are two different things. Voidable means something that is not fully or completely void but may be avoided. A voidable Contract is valid, binding, and enforceable by law.

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Difference between Substantive and Procedural Law – Business Law | Management Notes

Difference between Substantive and Procedural Law

Difference between Substantive and Procedural Law

S.No Substantive Law Procedural Law
1. Substantive law deals with those areas of law which establish the rights and obligations of individuals , what individuals may or may not do. Procedural law deals with and lays down the ways and means by which substantive law can be enforced
2. In Substantive law, there is independent power to decide the fate of a case. In Procedural law, there is no independent power.
3. Substantive law defines how the facts in a case will be handled. Procedural law defines the step-by-step process that the case will go through.
4. Substantive law cannot be applied to non-legal contexts. Procedural law can be applied to non-legal contexts.
5. Substantive law defines how the case is handled, and how a crime is to be charged. Procedural law describes the manner in which a case will proceed.

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