Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following can be said about a segmentation fault caused when a process is active?

Which of the following can be said about a segmentation fault caused when a process is active?

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? Which of the following can be said about a segmentation fault caused when a process is active?  Options: (a) It will recover from the fault transparently to the user, by moving the required page from the secondary memory (b) The fault’s cause may … Read more

One needs a good practical example of a “producer-consumer” type problem from among the following.

One needs a good practical example of a “producer-consumer” type problem from among the following.

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? One needs a good practical example of a “producer-consumer” type problem from among the following.  Options: (I) A multithreaded audio server, where a thread writes digitized sound into a circular buffer and another thread reads it over to a web page. (II) a … Read more

A certain task is multithreaded in such a way that it is supported by two kernel threads where each kernel thread is supporting more than one user thread. Which of the following statement is not true about this scenario?

A certain task is multithreaded in such a way that it is supported by two kernel threads where each kernel thread is supporting more than one user thread. Which of the following statement is not true about this scenario?

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? A certain task is multithreaded in such a way that it is supported by two kernel threads where each kernel thread is supporting more than one user thread. Which of the following statement is not true about this scenario?  Options: (a) The task … Read more

Which of the following statements comparing the context of a thread with that of a process is true?

Which of the following statements comparing the context of a thread with that of a process is true?

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? Which of the following statements comparing the context of a thread with that of a process is true?  Options: (a) Two processes will share any context; two threads of a same process will only share the data and the code (text) areas of … Read more

What is not the major objective of operating systems?

What is not the major objective of operating systems?

What is not the major objective of operating systems?


(a) To act as a resource manager for multiple tasks running on the CPU, the memory and disk resources
(b) To provide a programming interface to the user
(c) To act as an uniform abstract machine on top of a variety of different hardware platforms
(d) To act as a File server to client machines requiring such service
(e) To enable loading and execution of binary code with minimum intervention by the user.

The Correct Answer Is:

(d) To act as a File server to client machines requiring such service

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Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes 10K, 4K, 16K, 2K, 11Kbytes. Which holes are taken for the successive segment requests of 12K, 10K and 9K if the best fit algorithm

Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes 10K, 4K, 16K, 2K, 11Kbytes. Which holes are taken for the successive segment requests of 12K, 10K and 9K if the best fit algorithm

Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes 10K, 4K, 16K, 2K, 11Kbytes. Which holes are taken for the successive segment requests of 12K, 10K and 9K if the best fit algorithm


(a) 14K, 16K, 11K
(b) 14K, 10K, 11K
(c) 16K, 14K, 11K
(d) 16K, 11K, 14K
(e) 10K,14K,16K.

The Correct Answer Is:

(b) 14K, 10K, 11K

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Three non-preemptive jobs J1, J2, J3 are waiting to be run. Their expected processor times are 6, 3 and 5 time units respectively. In which order should they be run to minimize the average response time?

Three non-preemptive jobs J1, J2, J3 are waiting to be run. Their expected processor times are 6, 3 and 5 time units respectively. In which order should they be run to minimize the average response time?

Three non-preemptive jobs J1, J2, J3 are waiting to be run. Their expected processor times are 6, 3 and 5 time units respectively. In which order should they be run to minimize the average response time?


(a) J1, J2, J3
(b) J1, J3, J2
(c) J2, J3, J1
(d) J2, J1, J3
(e) J3, J2, J1

The Correct Answer Is:

(c) J2, J3, J1

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A light weight process (LWP) is supported by a single kernel space thread, and it in turn supports several user space threads, belonging to a single user task. Which statement is true?

A light weight process (LWP) is supported by a single kernel space thread, and it in turn supports several user space threads, belonging to a single user task. Which statement is true?

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? A light weight process (LWP) is supported by a single kernel space thread, and it in turn supports several user space threads, belonging to a single user task. Which statement is true?  Options: (I) The user task is made to be multithreaded in … Read more

The critical section problem can be solved in numerous ways. What statement is not true?

The critical section problem can be solved in numerous ways. What statement is not true?

The critical section problem can be solved in numerous ways. What statement is not true?


(a) A test-and-set-lock (TSL) approach is known as a ‘busy-wait’ solution
(b) A ‘busy-wait’ solution is good for short duration critical sections
(c) When a binary semaphore is used and when SLEEP() is called the calling process goes into ‘ready-to -run’ mode
(d) Monitors are more secure than less problematic than semaphores
(e) All tools used to implement CS solutions must have atomic operations.

The Correct Answer Is:

(c) When a binary semaphore is used and when SLEEP() is called the calling process goes into ‘ready-to -run’ mode

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Suppose a system has six equivalent tape drives. Three concurrent processes P1,P2 and P3 require three, two and four of these tape drives, respectively, to complete their execution. At a given instance two, one and one of these tape drives are allocated to these processes P1, P2 and P3 respectively. Which of the following allocations will bring the system to an unsafe state?

Suppose a system has six equivalent tape drives. Three concurrent processes P1,P2 and P3 require three, two and four of these tape drives, respectively, to complete their execution. At a given instance two, one and one of these tape drives are allocated to these processes P1, P2 and P3 respectively. Which of the following allocations will bring the system to an unsafe state?

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Operating System? Suppose a system has six equivalent tape drives. Three concurrent processes P1,P2 and P3 require three, two and four of these tape drives, respectively, to complete their execution. At a given instance two, one and one of these tape drives are allocated to … Read more

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for deadlock to occur?

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for deadlock to occur?

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for deadlock to occur?


(a) Mutual exclusion
(b) Hold and wait
(c) Wait and signal
(d) Circular wait
(e) Hold.

The Correct Answer Is:

  • (c) Wait and signal

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