Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of:

Census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of:

A) Public behavior.
B) Public information.
C) Private behavior.
D) Private information.

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The correct answer for the given question is Option B) Public information.

As an example of public information, the final report of the census is published by the census bureau. The census provides quantitative information regarding the population. As part of the survey, it accounts for factors such as age, gender, and occupation. The fact that the data are published in publications or made available online makes them public information.


Census Data

Census data provides planners with a comprehensive understanding of local and national social, economic, and demographic conditions. Census data are collected in many countries besides the United States. According to the Measure Evaluation document, a population census is: A process in which demographic, economic, and social data are collected, compiled, and published for all the people in a country or fixed region within a country at a specific point in time. A census usually includes a housing component as well.

Features of Census in United States

  • There are separate enumerations for each individual in the household; the characteristics of each individual are recorded separately.
  • During the census, every person who is present or resides within a defined area is counted. The housing census should cover every type of building and living arrangement.
  • Throughout the book, individual people, buildings, and living quarters are listed according to well-defined points in time.
  • Generally, the census is taken every 10 years at regular intervals.

Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs) 

Company sales invoices, census data, and trade association statistics are examples of

A) Primary data.
B) Data mines
C) Secondary data
D) Tertiary data
E) Exploratory data

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option C) Secondary data


United states government census data is an example of what kind of source?

A) Primary Source
B) Secondary Source

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option   A) Primary Source


The data collected from census report is an example of

A) Primary data.
B) Data mines
C) Secondary data
D) Tertiary data
E) Exploratory data

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option C) Secondary data


Census reports used as a source of data is

A) Primary data.
B) Data mines
C) Secondary data
D) Tertiary data
E) Exploratory data

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option C) Secondary data


Data in the population census reports are

A) Grouped data
B) Ungrouped data
C) Secondary data
D) Primary data

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option C) Secondary data


Casual analysis is commonly applied to census data

A) True
B) False
C) Can be True or False
D) Can not Say

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option  B) False 


A census taker often collects data through which of the following

A) Standardized tests
B) Interviews
C) Secondary data
D) Observations

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option B) Interviews  


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