Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Characteristics of Rural Marketing – Rural Marketing | Principles of Marketing

Characteristics of Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing | Principles of Marketing
Management Notes

Characteristics of Rural Marketing:

Rural Marketing is an emerging marketing concept that manages the series of activities related to the purchasing power of rural consumers into demand for specific products and services.

Characteristics of Rural Marketing

1) Large population:

As per the latest census, rural population constitutes about 83% of Nepalese population. This large population is a big market to find the target customer.

2) Diverse and heterogeneous market:

Rural market is incredibly diverse and heterogeneous. This diversity provides a market for all kind of products and services.

3) Socio-economic pattern:

Majority of Nepalese rural population have low per capita income and low purchasing power.

4) Literacy level:

It is estimated that rural Nepal has a literacy level of 38% as compared to 64% in the urban areas.

5) The standard of living:

Low per capita income, low purchasing power, low literacy level and overall of social and economic backwardness have lead to a low standard of living rural areas.

6) Cost:

Rural marketing is not that expensive when the cost to promote products and services as compared to urban market which runs in millions.


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