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Consumer Behaviour MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) With Answers | Management Notes

Consumer Behaviour MCQ

Meaning and Concept

The study of consumer behavior pertains to individuals, groups, or organizations and their processes for selecting, selecting, and securing products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and their impact on society. Psychology, sociology, social anthropology, and economics are all incorporated into the study. It aims to understand the decision-making processes of buyers both individually and in groups. In order to understand the wants of people, it studies individual characteristics such as demographics and behavioural variables. Additionally, it attempts to determine the influence of groups like family, friends, reference groups, and society overall on the consumer.

Studying consumer behavior assumes that the consumers are actors on the market. According to role theory, consumers perform a variety of roles in the marketplace. The consumer plays these roles throughout the process of decision-making, starting with the information provider and continuing through the user, payer, and disposer.

Nature of Consumer Behaviour

  • Consumer Behaviour is Influenced by various factors which include Marketing Factors, Personal Factors, Psychological factors, Situational factors, Social Factors, Cultural Factors.
  • Consumer behavior is not static rather Undergoes a constant change.
  • Consumer Behaviour Varies from consumer to consumer.
  • Consumer Behaviour Varies across states, regions and countries.
  • Information on Consumer Behavior is important to the Marketers.
  • Positive Consumer Behaviour leads to a Purchase Decision.
  • Consumer Behaviour improves standard of living and Reflect Status.

Importance of Consumer Behaviour

  • Consumer Behaviour is concerned with Modern Marketing Philosophy.
  • Consumer behavior helps in achieving Marketing Goals.
  • Study of Consumer Behaviour is equally useful for middlemen and salesmen to perform their tasks effectively in meeting consumers needs and wants successfully.
  • Consumer Behaviour studies the consumer response pattern on a continuous basis that helps in Adjusting Marketing Programme over Time.
  • Consumer Behaviour can also aid in projecting the Future Market Trends.
  • Study of Consumer Behaviour assists in Facing cut-throat Competition.
  • Study of Consumer Behaviour helps in New product development along with Effective Use of Productive Resources.


Try Some of the MCQ on Concumer Behaviour.

Topic 1: Consumer Behaviour Theory MCQs

Consumer Behaviour Theory MCQs

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Consumer Behavior Theory helps businesses and marketers predict how and when consumers will make purchases by studying how they make decisions when they buy. By identifying factors influencing these decisions, we can also identify strategies to proactively influence behavior. There are traditional theories that are based on economic principles or marketers’ own experiences; there are also modern or contemporary theories that are based on different social sciences. Theories lead to a better understanding of why consumers act the way they do.


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The theory of consumer behavior assumes that

a) marginal utility is constant.
b) consumers behave rationally, attempting to maximize their satisfaction.
c) consumers do not know how much marginal utility they obtain from successive units of various products.
d) consumers have unlimited money Incomes.


Topic 2:  Consumerism MCQs

Consumerism MCQs

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The theory of consumption states that persons who consume goods and services in large quantities will be better off. According to some economists, consumer spending stimulates production and economic growth. Consumerism is the tendency of individuals living in a capitalist economy to engage in a lifestyle of excessive consumerism that revolves around wasteful, conspicuous, and reflexive consumption.

The concept of consumerism is recognized to contribute to the destruction of traditional values and ways of life, to the consumer exploitation of big business, to the degradation of the environment, and to the deterioration of psychological well-being. Consumerism, however, has been widely criticized for its economic, social, and environmental consequences.

With the sole belief that greater consumption benefits the economy, consumption is seen as a target of economic policy and a cash cow for the business sector. Even saving can be considered harmful to the economy since it robs consumers of immediate consumption spending. Some business practices are also shaped by consumer spending. Consumer goods’ planned obsolescence may displace producers’ competition to design more durable products. The focus of marketing and advertising can shift from informing consumers to creating consumer demand for new products.


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In the 1920s manufacturers encouraged consumerism by offering

A) fewer goods at low prices.
B) fewer goods at high prices.
C) a greater variety of goods for high prices.
D) a greater variety of goods for fair prices.

Which best describes a cause of consumerism in the 1920s

a) Many Americans had more money and more leisure time.
b) Many Americans had less money and less leisure time.
c) Many Americans had electricity and fewer household chores.
d) Many Americans had cars that were affordable and popular.

While consumerism during the 1920s boosted the economy, it also led to

a) more savings.
b) higher debt.
c) lower debt.
d) fewer stocks.

Which industry boosted consumerism in the 1920s feeding economic growth

a) advertising
b) electricity
c) farming
d) manufacturing

Which phrase defines consumerism best

a) how ideas or things (e.g., inventions) are used and interpreted by people.
b) the concept that a high rate of consumption and spending are the basis for a sound economy.
c) a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, or technique.
d) the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion.

A reason consumerism increased in the 1920s was because many working people

a) earned less money.
b) earned more money.
c) bought only essential goods.
d) bought only nonessential goods

A part of the consumerism cycle is that manufacturers

a) do not advertise goods.
b) sell goods only for cash.
c) advertise goods.
d) make fewer goods.

Which of the following is a negative aspect of american and european consumerism?

a) People from \”Third World\” countries want the same products that others want.
b) The European Union (EU) faces a serious debt crisis, and it is not yet resolved.
c) Chinese workers will work long hours for lower wages than most Western workers.
d) Free trade agreements (FTAs) often hurt developing nations and help the West.


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