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Features of Technical Communication – Business Communication | Management Notes

Features of Technical Communication

Any form of communication that can assist users in accomplishing a specific task or goal is considered technical communication.

A technical communication’s main goal is to assist users who need specific information on how to complete tasks, use products, or operate equipment.

Consider the different types of technical communication you have encountered. It could be a manual, video, proposal, or report.

Each of them aims to get the reader to take action. While instructions work to complete the actions, proposals work to move the reader forward on some type of proposal.

Below are some of the essential features of technical communication.

  • Technical communication is an action-oriented process.
  • Multiple modes of communication are used in technical communication.
  • Detailed knowledge is transmitted through technical communication.
  • There are different genres of technical communication.
  • Technical Communication is rhetorical.
  • Design elements are used in technical communication.
  • Technical Communication is user-centered.

Features of Technical Communication Description
Clarity It is important to use language and terminology appropriate for the intended audience in technical communication.
Conciseness Information or details should not be sacrificed for conciseness in technical communication.
Objectivity Objectivity, unbiased opinions, and facts should be the hallmarks of technical communication.
Detail-oriented Often, technical communication contains specifications and instructions for use, as well as accurate and detailed information.
Use of visuals A diagram, an image, or a chart can help convey information more effectively and complement written text in technical communication.
Audience-specific Technical communication should be tailored to the specific needs and knowledge level of the intended audience, whether they are experts in the field or non-experts.
Compliance with standards & regulations Information such as safety warnings and compliance certificates should be included in technical communications by applicable standards and regulations.
Format and layout is precise and standardized To ensure consistency and ease of use, technical communication often follows specific format and layout guidelines.


In technical communication, information is communicated to a particular audience in a specific way, which is generally technical or scientific.

Here is a detailed explanation of each of these key features that ensure effective and efficient communication.

Features of Technical Communication

Each of these features is characterized by several key features, each of which plays a crucial role in ensuring effective and efficient communication.


Features of Technical Communication

In technical communication, clarity is one of the most important aspects, which means that the message being presented must be as clear as possible and easy to understand by the audience as a whole.

  • This involves using clear and straightforward language, avoiding jargon or unnecessary complexity.
  • Organizing information logically, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, helps readers follow the content easily.


Features of Technical Communication

Technical communication requires the ability to convey the necessary information without using unnecessary words or filler text to achieve conciseness.

  • It involves removing ambiguity and redundancy from the text to make it more efficient and easier to absorb.
  • Long-winded explanations or overly verbose writing should be avoided.


Features of Technical Communication

To be objective, you must present information in a way that is unbiased, impartial, and free of personal opinions and emotions.

  • Technical communication should rely on facts, data, and evidence, allowing readers to make their own judgments.
  • Avoiding emotional language or subjective statements ensures credibility.


Features of Technical Communication

Providing detailed and accurate information is a key requirement of technical communication. It requires a high level of attention to detail.

  • This includes specifying measurements, providing data sources, and explaining procedures with precision.
  • Overlooking details can lead to misunderstandings or errors.

Use of visuals:

Features of Technical Communication

To enhance the understanding of technical content, visual representations, such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and images are crucial.

  • They can simplify complex concepts, illustrate processes, and make data more accessible.
  • Properly labeled and referenced visuals can aid comprehension.


Features of Technical Communication

In technical communication, one of the most important things to do is to tailor the content to the audience’s needs and background.

  • Different audiences may require different levels of technical detail or different explanations.
  • Understanding the audience’s knowledge and expectations is key to effective communication.

Compliance with standards & regulations:

Features of Technical Communication

Many technical fields have established standards and regulations that govern communication.

For example, formatting guidelines, safety regulations, or industry-specific norms may be established by many of these fields.

  • Adhering to these standards is crucial for ensuring that the information is accurate, reliable, and legally compliant.

Format and layout are precise and standardized:

Features of Technical Communication

The format and layout of technical documents should be consistent and follow established conventions.

  • This includes using standard fonts, headings, margins, and citation styles.
  • A standardized format helps readers navigate and locate information easily.

Overall, technical communication is the art of presenting detailed information clearly, concisely, and objectively, using visual aids whenever necessary, while also considering the specific needs of the audience and adhering to the appropriate standards and formats.

In technical and scientific contexts, these characteristics work together to create effective, reliable communication.

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