Fundamentals of Sociology
Syllabus | BBA | BBA-BI
Pokhara University – PU
Course Title: Fundamentals of Sociology
Course code: SOC 101
Credit hours: 3
Course Objectives
The course aims to provide students with basic sociological concepts that will help students understand various ideas on society, culture, group, organizations, etc. By knowing all these concepts, students’ knowledge on organization, business and management will be enhanced and such that they will be able to apply their enriched knowledge in their future career and endeavor.
Course Description
This course presents basic ideas and foundations of sociology through an argument of various sociological variables, terms, terminology and subject matter. The course includes, besides an introduction to sociology, basic sociological ideas like society, culture, norms, values group. It comprises of social institution like religion, family, and others, which help students understand more about existing social structure. More importantly, course has tried to explain the basic sociological theories, social change and some emerging social perception, understanding on sexuality, crime and deviance. Moreover, Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy, group and group behavior, sociology theories of organization are not less important to include in the course, since they will entail a nexus between sociology and management and basic sociological tenet.
Course Outcomes
By the completion of this course, the students should be able to:
• know the basic ideas on the emergence of sociology, methods of study, subject matter and nature of sociology;
• exhibit the understanding on the relationship of sociology with other social sciences and business-management;
• express the knowledge on foundations of sociology like society, culture, group, norms, values, etc., along with ideas on sexuality, crime, etc;
• analyze various social institutions like family, economic institutions, religion;
• understand and evaluate basic sociological theories and it connotation to management;
• can discuss social stratification to view how societies are divided into different groups on the basis of power, prestige and property and create inequality;
• evaluate the ideas of social change and socialization.
Course Contents
Unit I: Introduction to sociology          6 hours
Meaning of sociology; nature of sociology; subject matter of sociology; emergence of sociology and methods of sociology along with brief description on the contribution of founders of sociology; Relationship of sociology with economics, psychology, political science and business-management.
Unit II: Theoretical perspective in sociology         8 hours
What is perspective?
Functionalism: Meaning, context, basic tenets or key assumptions: Functionalism of Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons (Basic ideas with criticism).
Interactionism: Meaning, context, basic tenets or key assumptions : Interactionism of George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer (Basic ideas and criticism).
Conflict theory: Meaning, context, basic tenets or key assumptions: Conflict theory of Karl Marx and Max Weber (basic ideas and criticism).
Post modernism: meaning, context, basic tenets or key assumptions: Post Modernism of Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard (basic ideas and criticism).
Unit III: The foundations of society        14 hours
Society: Meaning, Definition, nature and types (Industrial and pre-industrial).
Culture: Meaning, definition, features and functions; types (material and non-material); sub-culture (youth, ethnic and age sub culture vis-a-vis society and organization, e.g. Consumer behavior, organizational culture)
Norms, values, status and role: meaning, definition and types; linkage to business and management
Socialization: Meaning, definition and function of socialization; agents of socialization; types of socialization (primary and secondary socialization); theories of primary socialization; personality and socialization
Group and organization: Group- meaning, definition and features; types (various types with focusing on primary and secondary groups). Organization- meaning, definition (view from founding fathers of sociology); formal and informal organization; Max Weber’s Bureaucracy; sociology of organization; work and leisure; group dynamics; dynamics of social capital
Sexuality: understanding sexuality; sexual issues (pornography, teen pregnancy, prostitution and sexual violence, sexual abuse)
Crime and deviance: Meaning, definition and difference between them
Conformity and sanction: meaning and definition
Unit IV: Social stratification        7 hours
Meaning, definition and features; Functional and conflict approach to social stratification; Stratification and inequality; Class, caste, ethnicity and gender as various aspects of social stratification- Meaning, definition, features and Nepalese context.
Unit V: Social Institution           7 hours
Meaning, definition ,features, function and types (as required by subject matter): family, marriage, polity, economic institution, religion ( along with dysfunction), educational institution; Conflict and functional approach to religion and education; Nepalese context.
Unit VI: Social change         6 hours
Meaning, definition and features; Factors of social change; Conflict approach to social change; Application and experiences in Nepalese society.
Basic Text
Horton, P. B., & Haunt, C. L. Sociology. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Bhandari, U. et al. Sociology for Management. Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Enterprises.
Abraham, M. F. Contemporary Sociology: an introduction to concepts and theories. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Abraham, M. F. Modern Sociological Theory: An Introduction. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Etzioni, A. ModernOrganization. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. Pvt. Ltd.
Haralombos, M., & Heald, R. M. Society: Themes and Perspective. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Inkeles, A. What is Sociology? An Introduction to Discipline and Profession. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Macionis, J. J. Sociology. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Ritzer, G. Modern Sociological Theory. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Solomon, M. R. Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being (8th ed.). New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Turner, J. H. The Structure of Sociological Theory. Jaipur: Rawat publication.
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