General Psychology
Old Question Paper
Year: 2013 | Semester: Spring
Pokhara University
Management Notes
Exam 2013 Spring
1. a. Define Psychology. Explain the different methods used in psychology to understand behaviour. [3+5]b
b. Explain the four important elements of Pavlov’s classical conditioning. How did J.B. Watson apply the theory to conditioning human behaviour? [4+3]
2. a. What do you mean by the term “personality”? How are projective tests different from other self-report tests or situational tests? Explain. [4+4]
b. “You are preparing to write your exam right now. As the question paper is distributed, your heart starts pumping and you are nervous. But after you go through the questions, you regain confidence and relax.” How does the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system work and coordinate in this situation? [7]
3. a. How does perception complete the process of sensation and attention? Can you explain any two errors in perception with suitable examples? [3+5]
b. Define memory. Explain the memorization process. [2+5]
4. a. What are the different ways of concept formation? Explain. [3+5]
b. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary attention. [7]
5. a. Critically analyse Stanford-Binet’s test of Intelligence. Also, explain the additions made in intelligence test by Wechsley. [5+3]
“Intelligent Quotient (IQ) gets you hired; Emotional Quotient (EQ) gets you promoted’. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss.
b. Explain the concept of Emotions. What do you understand by Transfer of Learning? [4+3]
6. a. Give meanings of ‘set’ in problem solving and sustained attention. [2+5]
b. What could be the potential sources of stress? What steps can individuals and organizations take to manage such stress? [8]
7. Write short notes on any two: [2×5=10]
a. Parts of a forebrain
b. Structuralism perspective of psychology
c. Gestalt configuration in perception