Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Kathmandu Banking Office – Departments of Nepal Rastra Bank | Central Bank of Nepal

Kathmandu Banking Office | Departments of Nepal Rastra Bank | Central Bank of Nepal

Kathmandu Banking Office


Kathmandu Banking Office is the central office of Nepal Rastra Bank. Here are all the government accounts are handled. The management of foreign debt of domestic debt helps the government raise funds and make payments. Foreign exchange management is also handled by the management of foreign debt of domestic debt. Furthermore, the Kathmandu Banking Office is also responsible for managing Treasury bills funds. There are the following divisions:

Accounts and draft

It helps in managing the day-to-day accounts and providing the services of drafts to those going outside the country.

Deposits and accounts

It helps in receiving government deposits and interest free institutional deposits together with regular recording of accounts.

Central government financial transactions

It helps the government in receiving income and making payments.

Foreign exchange

It helps in managing foreign currencies and determining exchange rates considering both the national and international market.

Cash management

It helps in managing the liquidity of the government, banks and financial institutions.


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