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Operation Research Models – 8 Common Models Explained in Detail | Operations Management

Operation Research Models

Operational Research (OR) Models, also known as Management Science Models and Decision Science Models, are mathematical and analytical methods used to answer complex questions and make informed decisions in many fields, including business, engineering, healthcare, logistics, and finance.

By formulating real-world problems as mathematical equations or algorithms, OR models allow decision-makers to find the best solutions under given constraints, optimizing processes, resources, and outcomes.

It is the main objective of OR models to maximize profits, minimize costs, improve efficiency, and maximize overall performance. Decision-making situations involving multiple variables, uncertainties, and constraints need to be considered simultaneously using these models. There are several types of OR models, each suited for a different type of problem. Here are some of the most common types of OR models:

Operation Research Models

1. Linear Programming (LP) Model:

Linear Programming (LP) is one of the most widely used and prominent OR models. A linear equation represents the relationship between a decision variable and an objective/constraint when the objective function and constraints are all linear.

Profit, cost, utility, or any other relevant metric is typically represented by a linear function, and the objective of LP is to maximize or minimize it. Constraints limit the possible values of these variables, reflecting real-world limitations on resources and capacity, while decision variables represent the quantities to be determined.

A variety of fields utilize LP, including production planning, supply chain optimization, portfolio optimization, resource allocation, and transportation planning. In 1947, George Dantzig developed the Simplex Method, a popular algorithm for solving linear programming problems.

2. Integer Programming (IP) Model:

The concept of integer programming is an extension of linear programming that deals with problems where the decision variables must have integer values, i.e., solutions must be whole numbers, not fractions.

If a decision involves discrete choices, such as selecting a facility location, assigning workers tasks, or determining the number of units to be produced, IP models are particularly useful. Among the applications are project selection, workforce scheduling, and routing.

Since IP problems have discrete variables, solving them is more challenging and computationally intensive than solving LP problems. Algorithms such as Branch and Bound and Cutting Plane are often used to find optimal or near-optimal solutions.

3. Non-Linear Programming Model:

The concept of nonlinear programming refers to problems in which the objective function or constraints are nonlinear. Unlike linear relationships, these problems involve nonlinear equations that may not be easily solved analytically.

There are many applications for non-linear programming models, including engineering design, portfolio optimization, financial planning, and resource management. Iterative methods like Gradient Descent or Newton’s method are often used to solve non-linear programming problems, where successive approximations lead to the optimal solution.

4. Network Models:

A network model is a type of OR model that focuses on problems involving interconnected elements or networks. These models are widely used in the transportation industry, project scheduling, and supply chain logistics, among other applications.

The following are common network models:

a. Shortest Path Problem:

The shortest path problem aims to find the shortest path between two nodes in a network, taking into account distances, costs, or transit times.

b. Max Flow-Min Cut Problem:

This is a problem that determines the maximum flow that can be sent through a network from a source node to a sink node while minimizing the cut (the minimum capacity of edges to disconnect source and sink).

c. Critical Path Method (CPM):

The CPM method is used to determine the critical path, i.e. the sequence of tasks that must be completed in order to avoid project delays.

It is possible to optimize resource utilization, routing, and scheduling in complex systems by using network models.

5. Queuing Models:

A queueing model analyzes the lines or queues in various systems, including customer service centers, manufacturing facilities, and healthcare facilities. Using these models, service levels can be optimized, waiting times minimized, and resources allocated more efficiently.

When organizations understand the dynamics of queueing systems, they can enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Queuing models consider factors such as arrival rates, service rates, and the number of servers.

6. Simulation Models:

A simulation model is another group of OR models used to reproduce real-world processes through computer-based models. Simulations allow decision-makers to see how systems behave under different circumstances.

In product design, risk analysis, financial planning, and supply chain optimization, simulation models are particularly useful when real-world experiments would be either too expensive, risky, or time-consuming.

7. Markov Decision Process (MDP) Models:

The MDP model is used for decision-making in uncertain environments. In such situations, the outcomes are probabilistic, and the decision-maker aims to select actions that maximize long-term rewards or minimize long-term costs.

Artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning applications use MDPs to teach agents how to interact with environments and optimize their decisions.

8. Heuristic Models:

In a heuristic model, the solution is not guaranteed to be optimal, but it is good and efficient and can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. For large-scale and complex problems, where finding exact solutions is computationally infeasible, these models are particularly useful.

As a rule-of-thumb strategy, heuristics help narrow down the search space to find satisfactory solutions by guiding the search. Although heuristics do not guarantee optimality, they are an effective tool for tackling real-world problems and delivering practical results.

Operation Research (OR) Models have become indispensable tools for modern decision-making. In complex, dynamic environments, OR models assist organizations in optimizing resources, improving efficiency, and making informed choices by leveraging mathematical and analytical techniques.

In addition to linear programming and integer programming, non-linear programming, network models, queueing models, simulation models, and more, each type of OR model offers unique insights into specific types of problems.

A business, government, or individual seeking to navigate the complexity of today’s world will find OR models invaluable assets because of their versatility and capability to handle uncertainty, discrete choices, and complex interdependencies. OR models will continue to be integral to enhancing decision-making processes and advancing progress across a wide range of fields as technology advances and data availability increases.

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Bijisha Prasain

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