Organizational Structure and Design
Principles Of Management (POM)
Old Questions
Pokhara University
Section A : Very Short Answer Questions
2014 Fall Q.No.6
State any three disadvantages of delegation of authority.[2]
2014 Spring Q.No.8
What is virtual organization?[2]
2015 Fall Q.No.4
Define functional departmentation.[2]
2015 Fall Q.No.8
Differentiate between line and staff manager.[2]
2015 Spring Q.No.4
Distinguish between authority and responsibility.[2]
2015 Spring Q.No.5
Give any two differences between formal and informal organization.[2]
Section B : Descriptive Answer Questions :
2002 Q.No. 3a
What is organization? How an organization is designed functionally?[8]
2002 Q.No. 5a
Why co-ordination is useful for an organization? What are the techniques of co-ordination?[8]
2003 Fall Q.No. 4a
Briefly explain various elements of organizing.[8]
2005 Fall Q.No. 4a
Explain the process of organizational design? Describe the Matrix design of an organization.[7]
2006 Fall Q.No. 3b
Define co-ordination. Discuss the techniques of coordination.[8]
2006 Fall Q.No. 4a
What are the differences between centralization and decentralization? In which situations would centralization of authority be more appropriate?[8]
2006 Fall Q.No. 6a
Explain the relationship between authority and responsibility. Why are these important for organizational success?[7]
2006 Spring Q.No. 4b
Elaborate the difference between line and staff authority.[8]
2007 Fall Q.No. 4a
What is line and staff organization? How does line organization is different from line and staff organization?[7]
2007 Spring Q.No.3a
What is “line and staff” and “functional” organization? In what situation matrix structure is suitable?[7]
2007 Spring Q.No.3b
What are the emerging concepts in organizing?[8]
2008 Fall Q.No. 4a
Under what conditions would a matrix structure be more suitable? What are its advantages and disadvantages?[7]
2008 Fall Q.No. 4b
How are centralization and delegation different? Why organizations are decentralized?[7]
2008 Spring Q.No.4a
Explain the emerging concepts in organizing.[7]
2008 Spring Q.No.4b
How are organization’s strategy and its structure related?[7]
2009 Spring Q.No.4a
Define departmentation. What are the various forms of departmentation? Explain briefly.[8]
2009 Spring Q.No.4b
Describe the matrix design. What are the merits and demerits of this design?[7]
2010 Fall Q.No. 4b
Define organizing. Explain the principles of organizing.[8]
2010 Fall Q.No. 5a
Why do you think managers have difficulty in delegating ? What can be done to overcome these difficulties?[8]
2010 Spring Q.No.3b
Explain matrix structure. What are the unique features of this structure?[7]
2011 Fall Q.No. 4a
Define organization. What are the unique features of matrix structure?[7]
2011 Fall Q.No. 4b
What are the differences between centralization and decentralization? In which situations would centralization of authority be more appropriate?[8]
2011 Spring Q.No.4a
What do you mean by organization design? Distinguish between the traditional and modern approaches to organizing.[8]
2011 Spring Q.No.4a OR
How are decentralization and delegation different? In which situations would centralization of authority be more appropriate?Explain. [8]
2012 Fall Q.No. 3b
Describe the basic forms of organizational design.[8]
2012 Fall Q.No. 3b OR
Explain the emerging concepts in organizing.[8]
2012 Fall Q.No. 4a
Explain the relationship between authority and responsibility. Why are these important for organizational effectiveness?[7]
2012 Spring Q.No.4a
What is Matrix design? What re the merit and demerit of this design?[8]
2012 Spring Q.No.4b
Distinguish between Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability?[7]
2013 Fall Q.No. 5b
What are the emerging concepts in organizing? Explain.[7]
2013 Spring Q.No.3b
What do you mean by formal organization? How is it different from informal organization?[7]
2013 Spring Q.No.3b OR
Define matrix organization. What are the merits of this design? [7]
2013 Spring Q.No.4a
What do you mean by delegation of authority? What are the major barriers to delegation of authority for the present day managers?[8]
2014 Fall Q.No. 14
Explain the concept of organization design. What are the emerging concepts in organizing and design?[6]
2014 Fall(Old)Q.No. 3b
Explain the relationship between authority and responsibility. Why are these important for organizational success? Explain.[7]
2014 Fall(Old)Q.No. 4a
Under what condition matrix, structure would be most suitable organizational structure? Explain with suitable examples.[7]
2014 Spring Q.No. 12
Define organizational design. What are the emerging concepts in organizing and design? Discuss.[10]
2015 Spring Q.No. 13
Define organizing. Explain its process and emerging issues behind it.[10]
Write Short Notes On:
2006 Spring Q.No. 7b.
Informal organization
2007 Spring Q.No. 7a.
Authority, Power and Responsibility
2008 Fall Q.No. 7a
Approaches to job design
2008 Spring Q.No. 7c
Informal organization
2013 Fall Q.No. 7c
Informal organization
2010 Spring Q.No. 7b
Decentralization of Authority
2010 Spring Q.No.7c
Emerging concepts in organizing
2014 Fall (Old) Q.No. 7c
Job design
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