Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Compared to tangible resources intangible resources are

Compared to tangible resources intangible resources are

Compared to tangible resources intangible resources are


A. of less strategic value to the firm.
B. less likely to be the focus of strategic analysis.
C. a superior source of capabilities.
D. more likely to be reflected on the firm’s balance sheet

The Correct Answer Is:

C. a superior source of capabilities.

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Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are 

Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are

Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are

A. less visible; more difficult to copy.
B. less visible; less difficult to copy.
C. more visible; more difficult to copy.
D. more visible; less difficult to copy.

The Correct Answer Is:

  • A. less visible; more difficult to copy.

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Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are

Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are

Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are


A. of less strategic value to the firm.
B. less likely to be the focus of strategic analysis.
C. a superior source of capabilities.
D. more likely to be reflected on the firm’s balance sheet.

The Correct Answer Is:

C. a superior source of capabilities.

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