Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are:

Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are:

Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are:


A. rapid response, service, and cost
B. rapid response, product choice, and service
C. product choice, cost, and service
D. cost, process choice, and service
E. rapid response, cost, and process choice

The Correct Answer Is:

B. rapid response, product choice, and service

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Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are: 

Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are:

Three criteria for designing distribution networks to meet customer expectations are:


A. rapid response, service, and cost
B. rapid response, product choice, and service
C. product choice, cost, and service
D. cost, process choice, and service
E. rapid response, cost, and process choice

The Correct Answer Is:

B. rapid response, product choice, and service

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