Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following phrases best describes product focus

Which of the following phrases best describes product focus

Which of the following phrases best describes product focus


A. low volume, high variety
B. Finished goods are usually made to order.
C. Processes are designed to perform a wide variety of activities.
D. high fixed costs, low variable costs
E. high inventory

The Correct Answer Is:

D. high fixed costs, low variable costs

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Which of the following phrases best describes product focus? 

Which of the following phrases best describes product focus?

Which of the following phrases best describes product focus?


A. low volume, high variety
B. Finished goods are usually made to order.
C. Processes are designed to perform a wide variety of activities.
D. high fixed costs, low variable costs
E. high inventory

The Correct Answer Is:

D. high fixed costs, low variable costs

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