Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Convenience Products – Types | Principles of Marketing

Convenience Products 

Principles of Marketing

Convenience Products: Convenience products are relatively inexpensive products, which are purchased minimum of time and effort because the buyer has knowledge about the characteristics of the product .Convenience products can be subdivided into three groups ie; Staples, impulse and emergency.

Convenience Products

Staples products:

Staples products are the items that are routinely purchased on a regular basis at low price. Buyers spend very little time and effort to purchase these products. For example milk, bread, flour, salt, soft drinks, etc.

Impulse products:

Impulse products are items that the customers do not plan to buy on a particular trip to a store. In other words, these items are purchased without planning prior to entering the store.

Purchases of these items are heavily motivated by audio-visual advertisements or newspaper advertisements. For example, chewing gum, newspapers, magazines, ice cream, candy, horoscope books, etc.

Emergency products:

Emergency products include products required to meet an unexpected need. In other Emergency words, emergency products are items, which are purchased out of urgent need. the purchase of an umbrella or raincoat during aspirin headache, electrical fuses during light-off, a tire to replace a flat tire, etc.


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