Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Wk2 DQ1 – Human Resource Management | Westcliff University

In the second week of our course in Human Resource Management, we dealt with the concept of people and organization, organizational behavior, how organizational culture develops, etc. Along with this we also studied various theories of motivation i.e.; Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need and Fredrick Herzberg’s two-factor theory. According to Maslow, human behavior is related to his needs which are adjusted as per the nature of needs to be satisfied. He also described that motivation is the result of a person’s attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization (Hartzell). According to Herzberg, there are some job factors that result in satisfaction while there are other job factors that prevent dissatisfaction.

This DQ2 mainly focuses on to what extent Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need and Fredrick Herzberg’s two has practical application universally.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Does It Apply In a Collectivist Culture

Abstract, Summary, Findings
and Conclusion.

This article mainly focuses on whether Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need theory of motivation applies in international management taking China as a baseline country. Maslow’s Theory was primarily developed on the assumption and research based on US subjects which will favor greatly in assisting management of U.S Companies.

After going through the article what I found that the hierarchy of needs based on collectivist culture differs from Maslow’s original model. In a collectivist culture, the basic need of people is belonging; self-esteem is eliminated, and self-actualization is attained in terms of meeting social development needs which goes against the sequence of Maslow’s original model (Patrick A Gambrel, 2003).

Does Herzberg’s motivation theory have staying power?

Abstract, Summary, Findings and Conclusion

This article seeks to examine whether Herzberg’s two‐factor motivation theory still resonates after a long time from its formation date. Here, in this article, the question considered for investigation among people is “What motivates employees to contribute ideas”?

After analyzing the article concisely what I came to figure out is that the extrinsic factors like money and recognition do not appear to be primary sources of motivation in stimulating employees to contribute ideas. After so many years of its development, Herzberg’s motivation theory is still useful and has applicability at various organizations (Jones & Geoffrey, 2005).

Hartzell, S. (n.d.). Needs Theory of Motivation. Retrieved from Sudy.Com:
Hayden, A. (n.d.). Activity-Based vs. Traditional Costing. Retrieved from QuickBooks Resource Center:
Jones, N. B., & Geoffrey, L. C. (2005). Does Herzberg’s motivation theory have staying power? Journal of Management Development, 24(10), 929-943.
Patrick A Gambrel, R. C. (2003). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:Does it apply in a Collectivist Culture. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurshi, 8(2), 143-161.
Wilkinson, J. (2013, 7 24). Process Costing. Retrieved from The Strategic CFO:
Zahran, A. (2001). A framework for assessing cost management system changes: The case of activity based costing implementation at General Motors. Journal of Management Accounting Research.


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