Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which item is included in the NIMS management characteristic of accountability?

Which item is included in the NIMS management characteristic of accountability?

A) Maintain an accurate inventory of resources
B) Conduct briefings as part of the transfer of command
C) Check-In/Check-Out of incident personnel
D) Establish specific, measurable objectives

The correct answer for the given question is Option C) Check-In/Check-Out of incident personnel

Answer Explanation:

NIMS Management Characteristics

The NIMS Management Characteristics course builds on what you learned in ICS 100. Below are a list of the themes covered in the course.


• Common Terminology
• Modular Organization
• Management by Objectives
• Incident Action Planning
• Manageable Span of Control
• Incident Facilities and Locations
• Comprehensive Resource Management
• Integrated Communications
• Establishment and Transfer of Command
• Unified Command
• Chain of Command and Unity of Command
• Accountability
• Dispatch/Deployment
• Information and Intelligence Management

1) Common Terminology


The Incident Command System (ICS) establishes a Common Terminology that allows diverse incident management and support organizations to work together across a wide variety of emergency functions and hazard scenarios.

This common terminology covers the following:

Organizational Functions: There are major organizational units and functions involved in incident management. They are standardized and consistent.

Resource Descriptions: All major resources include personnel, equipment, teams, and facilities, which are classified based on their capabilities.

Incident Facilities: Facilities located near an incident site are usually referred to by this term.

During an incident:

  • Communication should be based on common terms.
  • Organizations should not use radio codes, agency-specific codes, acronyms, or jargon. Due to misunderstandings, the use of these types of codes may confuse or compromise life safety.

2) Modular Organization


According to the incident’s size and complexity, the Incident Command System (ICS) organizational structure develops in a modular way.

  • Incident Commanders are responsible for establishing and expanding the ICS modular organization.
  • With ICS becoming more complex, responsibilities may be delegated as ICS becomes larger.

ICS Organizational Structure

The Operations Section develops and expands in a modular fashion from the bottom up. To keep up with increasing complexity, span-of-control, geography, and/or functional responsibilities are considered as more resources are added to the Operations organization.

An ICS organization structure typically develops top-down, in a modular manner, depending both on the size and complexity of the incident and the specifics of the hazard environment resulting from the incident.

The organization expands upward as responsibilities are delegated as incident complexity increases. There is a flexible organizational structure for the ICS.

To enhance organizational management and coordination between internal and external activities, separate functional elements can be established and subdivided as needed.

When the ICS organizational structure grows, the number of management (or “Overhead”) positions will also grow to meet the incident’s requirements.

3) Management by Objectives


Incident Commanders or Unified Commands (which will be discussed later) establish incident objectives that drive incident response activities. Among the objectives of Management by Objectives are:

  • Setting specific, measurable incident objectives.
  • Determining strategies, tactics, tasks, and activities to achieve the objectives.
  • To accomplish identified tasks, develop and issue assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols.
  • Documenting the results of the incident objectives.

ICS uses incident objectives to ensure that everyone within the organization understands what needs to be accomplished.

Typically, a set of Priorities guides a team’s decisions regarding how to accomplish their work. To be useful for making decisions, they must be numbered in order of importance as well, as supplied by Command.

For example:

  • Life Safety
  • Incident Stabilization
  • Property/Environmental Preservation

4) Incident Action Planning


Effective incident management is guided by incident action planning. In both operational and support activities, an Incident Action Plan (IAP) captures and communicates the overall incident’s priorities, objectives, strategies, tactics, and assignments.

In the IAP, the need for future timeframes (referred to as operational periods) should be addressed. To be effective, an IAP should:

• Cover a specified timeframe
• Be proactive and address contingencies
• Specify the incident objectives
• State the activities to be completed
• Assign responsibilities
• Identify resources
• Specify communication protocols

Plans and objectives guide all incidents, no matter how small. Incident Commanders can develop a simple plan by identifying the next steps.

Except for hazardous materials incidents, which require a written IAP, the IAP can be oral or written for smaller or less complex incidents.

5) Manageable Span of Control


It may be necessary for you to supervise others’ activities within the Incident Command System (ICS) structure, depending on your position.

During an incident, a span of control refers to the number of people or resources that a supervisor can effectively manage. The organizational structure of the Operations Section is often based on the span of control.

An ideal span of control is one supervisor to five subordinates (1:5). However, effective incident management, particularly outside of the Operations Section, may require ratios substantially different from this.

Using their best judgment, incident personnel should determine whether this is a proper ratio for the incident.

Supervisors may become unmanageable if they are given too much responsibility. Managing incidents may actually depend on the type of incident, the nature of the task, the hazards and safety factors, and the distance between personnel and resources.

When safety and accountability are top priorities, maintaining a manageable span of control is especially important.

6) Incident Facilities and Locations


Depending upon the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by Incident Command. These designated facilities typically include:• Incident Command Post(ICP)

• Incident bases and camps
• Joint Information Centers (JIC)
• Staging Areas
• Helicopter (Helo) Spots and Helibases (Air and UAV)

7) Comprehensive Resource Management


At any incident or event, the situation must be assessed and a response planned. Resources must be organized, assigned, and directed to accomplish the incident objectives.

As they work, resources must be managed to adjust to changing conditions. Managing resources safely and effectively is the most important consideration in an incident.

The formalized resource management process in ICS ensures that the management principles translate into practice at the incident.

Comprehensive Resource Management describes standard mechanisms to identify requirements, order and acquire, mobilize, track and report status, demobilize, and reimburse and restock resources such as personnel, teams, and equipment.

Key resource management activities include:

• Resource Identification and Typing
• Qualification, Certification and Credentialing Personnel
• Planning for Resources
• Acquiring, Storing and Inventorying Resources

Try MCQs,

Which resource management task includes activating local resource requirements, if available?

8) Integrated Communications


Incident communications are facilitated through the development and use of a common communications plan and interoperable communication processes and systems that include voice and data links.

Integrated Communications are necessary to:

• Maintain connectivity
• Achieve situational awareness
• Facilitate information sharing

9) Establishment and Transfer of Command


The command function should be established at the beginning of an incident. The jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident designates the Incident Commander and the process for transferring command.

Transfer of command may occur during an incident. When the command is transferred, the process should include a briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations.

10) Unified Command


In a Unified Command, there is no single “Commander.” Instead, the Unified Command manages the incident through jointly approved objectives.

Unified Command allows entities with different legal, geographic, and functional responsibilities to work together effectively without adversely affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability.

Unified Command is typically established when no single jurisdiction, agency, or organization has the authority and/or resources to manage the incident on its own.

Unified Command can include incidents involving multiple jurisdictions, a single jurisdiction with multiagency involvement, or multiple jurisdictions with multiagency involvement.

11) Chain of Command


The chain of command is an orderly line that details how authority flows through the hierarchy of the incident management organization. Chain of command:

• Allows an Incident Commander to direct and control the actions of all personnel on the incident.
• Avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from

The chain of command does NOT prevent personnel from directly communicating with each other to ask for or share information.

While formal direction and control follow the chain of command, informal information sharing occurs throughout the ICS structure.

Try MCQs,

Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

The nims management characteristic of chain of command and unity of command means that each person:


A) May be assigned to multiple jurisdictions.
B) Reports to only one ICS supervisor.
C) Continues to report directly to their day-to-day supervisor.
D) May receive work assignments from multiple supervisors in the organization.

B) Reports to only one ICS supervisor.

12) Unity of Command


While the chain of command relates to the overall hierarchy of the organization, unity of command deals with the fact that all individuals have a single designated supervisor they report.

Based on the principle of unity of command, you will:

• Report to only one Incident Command System (ICS)
• Receive work assignments only from your ICS

When you are assigned to an incident, you no longer report directly to your day-to-day supervisor. In fact, there is no correlation between the ICS organization and the administrative structure of any single agency or jurisdiction.

This is deliberate because confusion over different position titles and organizational structures has been a significant stumbling block to effective incident management in the past.

While the chain of command and unity of command is applied in all incidents, the actual command structure itself and the responsibilities of those involved change based on the type of incident and your specific role.

13) Accountability


The importance of effective accountability during incident operations cannot be overstated. To comply with agency policies and guidelines and any applicable laws and regulations, you will need to be a part of the Incident Command System (ICS).

You should follow the following principles:

➜  Check-in and check-out. To receive an assignment, all responders must check-in. Checking out is just as important as checking in.

➜ Incident Action Response operations must be coordinated according to the Incident Action Plan.

➜ Each individual will have only one supervisor.

➜ The goal of personal ICS is for each individual to take ownership of their actions.

➜ It is essential for supervisors to be able to supervise and control their subordinates, as well as communicate with and manage all resources under their supervision.

➜ Resource Supervisors need to record and report resource status changes as they occur. A resource can be held accountable as soon as they are requested until they return home safely.

Success in response depends not only on the incident but also on personal accountability.

The members of the team are responsible for maintaining situational awareness of their environment as well as reporting any safety concerns to the chain of command.

14) Dispatch/Deployment


A resource management system should be established to dispatch resources only when they are requested or dispatched by an appropriate authority.

To avoid overburdening the incident command, resources not requested should refrain from self-dispatching. An important feature of ICS is the ability to manage resources to adjust to changing conditions.

When an incident occurs, you must be dispatched or deployed to assist with the incident response. Until you are deployed to the incident organization, you remain in your everyday role.

As soon as you are deployed, you must check in and receive an assignment. Following check-in, you will locate your incident supervisor and receive your initial briefing.

You should include the following information in your briefing:

• Current assessment of the
• Identification of your specific job
• Identification of
• Location of the work area.
• Identification of break areas, as appropriate.
• Procedural instructions for obtaining needed resources.
• Operational periods/work
• Required safety procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE)

15) Information and Intelligence Management


The Incident Command System (ICS) relies heavily on information and intelligence. Information and intelligence related to incidents must be gathered, analyzed, assessed, shared, and managed.

NIMS defines intelligence exclusively as threat-related information gathered by law enforcement, medical surveillance, and other investigative agencies.

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