Which of the following best describes how deviance is defined?
a. Deviance is defined by federal, state, and local laws.
b. Deviance’s definition is determined by one’s religion.
c. Deviance occurs whenever someone else is harmed by an action.
d. Deviance is socially defined.
Answer: d. Deviance is socially defined.
Answer Explanation
It is defined as behavior that violates norms, rules, or expectations of a particular society. What is considered deviant is different across cultures, historical periods, and social contexts. “Deviance is socially defined,” emphasizes that deviance is determined by societal norms and values rather than being an absolute and universal concept.
Why other answers are not correct:
a. Deviance is defined by federal, state, and local laws.
While laws do play a role in defining certain behaviors as deviant and setting legal boundaries, they are not the sole determinant of deviance. The legal system may not explicitly cover some deviant behaviors, and on the other hand, some actions deemed legal may be viewed as deviant by society despite being legal.
As well, laws may change over time, resulting in changes in what is considered deviant behavior, which demonstrates that deviance cannot be solely defined by legal frameworks.
b. Deviance’s definition is determined by one’s religion.
Religion can influence the moral and ethical values of individuals and societies, by defining what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior within religious communities. However, deviance does not solely depend on religion. Religions may hold differing views on certain behaviors, and even within the same religion, interpretations can differ.
It is also important to note that not every society or individual adheres to the same religion, and deviance occurs in all societies, regardless of their religious beliefs.
c. Deviance occurs whenever someone else is harmed by an action.
While harm or negative consequences can play a role in labeling certain behaviors as deviant, they are not the only criterion for defining deviance. However, deviance is not solely defined by harm or negative consequences. Despite not directly harming others, some behaviors, such as drug use or certain sexual practices, are still considered deviant because they diverge from societal norms.
Deviance, is a concept that is socially defined, shaped by the norms, values, and expectations of a particular society. As a cultural, historical, and contextual phenomenon, it is subject to constant change and interpretation.
While laws, religion, and harm to others can influence perceptions of deviance, they do not provide a comprehensive definition of what constitutes deviance. We are able to recognize the fluidity and complexity of human behavior and societal norms when we understand deviance as socially constructed.
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