Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following is not an inside force that indicates organizational change might be needed?

Which of the following is not an inside force that indicates organizational change might be needed?

A. High turnover
B. Excessive conflict between managers and employees
C. Job dissatisfaction
D. High levels of stress among employees
E. Increased competition

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option E. Increased competition



Answer Explanation for Question: Which of the following is not an inside force that indicates organizational change might be needed?

Organizational Change 

The movement of an organization from one state to another is known as organizational change. It is often necessary for organizations operating in a changing environment to make changes as well. A company’s operations can undergo change at almost any point, and different cultures will react differently to both the change and the means of promoting it. In order to make necessary changes easier, several steps can be taken that have been proven to lower employee anxiety and ease the transformation process. Employee involvement in the change process can often greatly reduce the resistance to new methods. It may not be possible to achieve this level of inclusion in some organizations; instead, they may recruit a small number of opinion leaders to promote the benefits of upcoming changes.

Organizational change can take many forms. An organization’s structure, strategy, policies, procedures, technology, or culture may be altered. Changes may be planned years in advance or forced on an organization by a change in the environment. A change in an organization’s culture can be radical and swift or incremental and slow. No matter what the type, change requires letting go of the old ways of doing things and adapting to new ones. In other words, it is fundamentally a process that involves effective people management.


I hope after going through this post you might have clearly understood the Question: Which of the following is not an inside force that indicates organizational change might be needed?

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