Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following phrases best describes process focus? | Operations Management Quiz

Which of the following phrases best describes process focus?

A. low volume, high variety
B. Finished goods are usually made to a forecast and stored.
C. Operators are less broadly skilled.
D. high fixed costs, low variable costs
E. low inventory

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The Correct Answer for the given question is option A. low volume, high variety


Which of the following phrases best describes process focus?


Answer Explanation for Question: Which of the following phrases best describes process focus?

Process Focus Strategy

In process focus strategy, a production facility organized around processes to facilitate low-volume high-variety productions. The operations are grouped according to the type of process. In a factory, these processes might take the form of welding, grinding, and painting departments. Accounting, sales and payroll might be processes in an office. These facilities are process-focused in terms of equipment, layout, and supervision.

As the product moves between processes, they offer a high degree of flexibility. There are several processes designed to handle frequent changes and provide unique activities. These processes are also referred to as intermittent processes. In this system, the product moves from one department to another in small batches that are determined by the customer’s order. Machines of this type are usually used to produce small quantities of different items.

Many organizations rely on explicit offices so that their key activities run smoothly. If you work in an office, HR, finance, and supply are the most basic functions that take place since without HR, there would not be representatives; without finance, there wouldn’t be representatives either since they have to receive their pay on time. Similarly, a business could not function without assets from the supply office. As a result, after you know what the processes are that keep your business afloat, you need to focus on them and ensure that they are running easily and consistently.


I hope after going through this post you might have clearly understood the Question: Which of the following phrases best describes process focus?

Which of the following influences layout design?  | Operations Management Quiz


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