Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following processes has contributed most to metropolitan decentralization in Europe?

Which of the following processes has contributed most to metropolitan decentralization in Europe?




a) Deindustrialization
b) Industrialization
c) Centralization
d) Capitalism

Answer Explanation

Answer Explanation

The Correct Answer is Option a. Deindustrialization

As a result of economic growth, deindustrialization occurs naturally in developed countries under the influence of external and internal factors. There has been a decline in industry’s share of GDP and employment, as well as an increase in the importance of the service sector. Due to the complexity of the concept, there are many theories of deindustrialization.

EU has experienced a relative deindustrialization, as agriculture and industry have contributed less to GDP and the service sector has contributed more. Decreased industrial production did not cause a decrease in employment in the industry. In the EU, the economy, as well as the industrial sectors, are heavily influenced by globalization, and foreign direct investment has a significant impact on the deindustrialization process. The European economy is acknowledged as recovering primarily due to European industry in key strategic documents. As a result, reindustrialization is the highest priority, with the emphasis on strengthening and improving the industrial foundation and implementing new solutions based on innovation, research, and new technologies.



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