Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

Which of the following services only requires a single port be opened on the firewall?

Which of the following services only requires a single port be opened on the firewall?




a) RDP

b) SSH


d) FTP

e) DNS



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Answer Explanation


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

The full form of RDP is Remote Desktop Protocol which is a Microsoft protocol that is designed to facilitate application data transfer security and encryption between client users, devices and a virtual network server. RDP enables a remote user to add a graphical interface to the desktop of another computer. Through Remote Desktop, the host device runs the software and displays the operating system on the client device. Client devices can send mouse and keyboard input to the host system using Remote Desktop Software .

A method for attacking some computers and networks has been known since 2016 as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Hackers and cyber-criminals have developed methods for identifying and exploiting vulnerable RDP sessions via the Internet to steal identities and login credentials, install ransomware, and launch attacks. Windows Professional, Windows Enterprise, and Windows Server computers can be accessed remotely with the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, which is free to use. From a mobile device running Windows Mobile, you can access a remote machine.


Secure Shell (SSH)

The full form of SSH is Secure Shell which is a remote administration protocol that allows users to control and modify their remote servers over the Internet. SSH is a network protocol that gives users, particularly system administrators, a secure way to access a computer over an unsecured network through password authentication and public key authentication, as well as encrypted data communications between two computers connecting over an open network, such as the internet. To ensure the integrity of the communication between the parties involved, SSH uses industry standard strong encryption algorithms, such as AES. To ensure the integrity of the data transmitted, the protocol utilizes the SHA-2 hashing algorithm. Using Secure Shell, users can remotely manage and modify their servers from anywhere via the Internet. It facilitates authenticating remote users, transferring inputs from the client to the host, and relaying output from the host back to the client.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol which is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems that allows users to communicate data on the World Wide Web. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is an application-layer protocol Hypermedia documents, such as HTML, are used for transmission. Originally designed for communication between web browsers and web servers, but it can also be used for other purposes.

By transmitting hypertext messages between clients and servers, HTTP allows users to interact with web resources such as HTML files. To communicate with a server, HTTP clients usually use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections. HTTP requests consist of three parts: Request line, header and body. There are also three parts to a HTTP response: the status line, the header, and the body.

The Basic Characteristics of HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol):

  • A protocol that enables data to be exchanged between web servers and browsers over the Internet.
  • The protocol is a request-response protocol.
  • It uses the reliable TCP connection on TCP port 80 by default.
  • Each request is considered a new request since it is stateless.

Using HTTP, network elements can improve or enable communication between clients and servers. Websites with high traffic often benefit from web cache servers, which deliver content on behalf of upstream servers to improve response times. In order to reduce network traffic, web browsers cache previously accessed web resources. By relaying messages with external servers, HTTP proxy servers at private network boundaries can facilitate communication for clients without a globally routable address.

The HTTP protocol forms part of the Internet protocol suite as an application layer protocol. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is commonly used as the underlying transport layer protocol. Adaptations of HTTP, for example, in HTTPU and Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP), are possible to use unreliable protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

HTTPS is HTTP with encryption. HTTPS encrypts HTTP request and response data using TLS (SSL). Therefore, HTTPS is far more secure than HTTP. HTTP websites have a URL beginning with http://, while HTTPS websites have a URL beginning with https://. 

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