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Evolution of Marketing Philosophies – Old Marketing & New Marketing Concepts | Principles of Marketing

Evolution of Marketing Philosophies

Evolution of Marketing Philosophies 

➦ Marketing Concepts are popularly called marketing philosophies which clarify how the marketing activities of the organization from the past to present are guided.

➦ As per the history or evolution of human civilization, the history of the marketing concept also evolved.

➦ As time passes by, With the changing human needs and competition in the market, different marketing concepts have evolved with respect to time.

➦ As a dynamic and ever-evolving field, marketing has gone through a number of concepts and approaches over the years.

➦ The concepts have evolved as a result of changes in customer preferences, market conditions, and technological advancements.

➦ As marketing has evolved over time, it has transformed from a simple exchange of goods and services to a comprehensive set of concepts that encompass the entire customer journey.

The major concepts of marketing that have evolved with time are as follows:

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