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Agrarian Societies and Agarian Economy – Meaning and Characteristics | Sociology

Agrarian Societies and Agarian Economy

Agrarian Societies

Meaning and Characteristics of Agrarian Societies

Agrarian societies are characterized by their reliance on agriculture as their primary means of sustenance. These societies are also often based on extended family systems, where members support one another through work and trade. Agrarian societies have flourished for thousands of years, but they are now in danger of disappearing due to a number of factors including globalization, climate change, and population growth.

These societies typically have a higher level of social stratification than non-agrarian societies and they often lack a developed writing system. Agrarian societies are found in many parts of the world and they have been around for thousands of years. The major characteristics of Agrarian Societies include: Work all day, all year and every time; Introduce new methods in farming; Rapid technological development; Production of food and Increase the fertility of the soil.

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