Management Notes

Reference Notes for Management

VSM – Why Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is important ? | Operations Management

VSM | Why Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is important? | Operations Management

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one of the very important tools for lean manufacturing that helps to map the flow of the process (how products and information flows) from the suppliers to the customers along with the identification of the activities or processes that create delays and does not add any value to the whole process (Gurumurthy & Kodali, 2011). VSM is very useful for the top-level management of the organization because it acts as a real eye-opener for the management at the top level. VSM is considered to be one of the easiest mapping tools to use and if followed properly with necessary actions improves the business processes in a rapid and significant way.

VSM supports the organization in discovering the current situation of the company so that necessary actions can be taken to reach some ideal state in the future. Everything that supports the process not only the process but also the decisions taken by management and the various information systems that have been used (A.R.Rahani & Ashraf, 2012) . Value Stream mapping takes into account not only the process but also the management decisions and information systems that support the process.

During the process of Value Stream Mapping, it is very important for the organization to have employees that are experienced from all of the departments because the maps can be cross-functional and complex as well.

VSM helps to identify waste, reduce process cycle times, and implement process improvement. . The various wastes that the organization encounters include overproduction, waiting time, order processing time, defects, transportation, inventory, and underutilization of employees.



A.R.Rahani, & Ashraf, M. (2012). Production Flow Analysis through Value Stream Mapping: A Lean Manufacturing Process Case Study. Procedia Engineering, 41, 1727-1734.

Gurumurthy, A., & Kodali, R. (2011, May 3). Design of lean manufacturing systems using value stream mapping with simulation: A case study. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 22(4), 444-473.


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