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Absolute Poverty – Meaning, Causes and Examples | Fundamentals of Sociology

Absolute Poverty

Meaning of Absolute Poverty

There is no agreed upon definition of absolute poverty, but it generally refers to a situation in which an individual or family has no assets, cannot afford basic needs, and faces significant challenges in obtaining food, shelter, health care, and other essential services. In the developed world, absolute poverty rates have been in decline for many years due to improvements in economic conditions and social policies that provide assistance to vulnerable individuals and families.An individual who is in absolute poverty cannot meet his or her immediate needs. Their basic needs, such as shelter, water, food, and warmth, are not met. As opposed to relative poverty, where individuals are poor compared to others, this term refers to actual poverty.

However, there are still nearly 47 million people living in absolute poverty around the world today. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistical measure that uses life expectancy, education, and per capita income to gauge the level of human development. The HDI was developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and is used to compare different countries.

Causes and Examples of Absolute Poverty

There are many causes of absolute poverty. These include the lack of access to resources, the inability to find a job, and the lack of education,Movement of Industry, Mental Health Issues, Lack of Infrastructure. Absolute poverty can also be caused by natural disasters or wars.

For example, the famines in Ethiopia and Sudan occurred because of drought and poor rains. The conflicts in Rwanda and Burundi were caused by ethnic tensions. Absolute poverty can also be caused by external factors such as the lack of access to credit or financial services.

Absolute Poverty In UK

There are around 1.5 million people in the UK who live in absolute poverty, according to research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. That’s someone who lives on less than £6 a day – roughly the income of an individual in Spain or Portugal. In London, one in five households (21%) is living in absolute poverty, compared with just 10% of households across the rest of England and Wales.

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